
Rome 2001

Rome 2001 Airport.jpg (129843 bytes) rome 2001 1st flight.jpg (93145 bytes) Rome 2001 Caught in the act.jpg (52736 bytes) Rome 2001 by night.jpg (88364 bytes)
Isabelle and I at the airport Ready for my very1st flight! Caught in the act By night
Rome2001 By day.jpg (131383 bytes) Rome 2001 Colosseum.jpg (116428 bytes) Rome 2001 Forum.jpg (280127 bytes) Rome 2001 Forum2.jpg (150450 bytes)
The next morning Colosseum The Forum Forum ... rings a bell ...
Rome 2001 Forum3.jpg (129728 bytes) Rome 2001 Forum4.jpg (294517 bytes) Rome 2001 Forum5.jpg (161127 bytes) Rome 2001 Isa en ik voor planten.jpg (179577 bytes)
More of the Forum Gorgeous weather See Isabelle? Beautiful flora too
Rome 2001 Ugly Roman.jpg (118187 bytes) Rome 2001 Palm Tree.jpg (236124 bytes) Rome 2001 Jules.jpg (131436 bytes) Rome 2001 Piazza Venezia.jpg (162761 bytes)
Ugly Roman (who thought we were going to pay him to be in a picture with us!No way!)


Not used to seeing real palmtrees Julius Caesar! Piazza Venezia
Rome 2001 Spaanse trappen.jpg (180513 bytes) Rome 2001 Spaanse trappen2.jpg (301431 bytes) Rome 2001 Here I come.jpg (125760 bytes) Rome 2001 Italian mermaid.jpg (167542 bytes)
Spanish stairs and Villa Medici Piazza di Spagna at night Here I come! Italian mermaid
Rome 2001 Engele,burcht.jpg (168476 bytes) Rome 2001 Tiber.jpg (107604 bytes) Rome 2001 Trevifontein.jpg (126657 bytes) Rome 2001 Circo Massimo.jpg (170517 bytes)
Castel Sant'Angelo The Tiber Trevi Fountain Circo Massimo
Rome 2001 Circo Massimo once.jpg (172950 bytes) Rome 2001Domus Augustana.jpg (150301 bytes) Rome 2001 Pantheon.jpg (128867 bytes) Rome 2001Piazza della Rotonda.jpg (168845 bytes)
Circo Massimo once upon a time Domus Augustana (the building that is) The Pantheon

Piazza della Rotonda

Rome 2001 rain.jpg (139914 bytes) Rome 2001 Isabelle hungry.jpg (133119 bytes) Rome 2001Area Sacea dell'Argentina.jpg (182794 bytes) Rome 2001 Blauwe regen.jpg (264966 bytes)
Hey! It's not going to rain, is it? Isabelle, hungry again! Area Sacra dell'Argentina Love that wisteria!
Rome 2001 Bocca Linda.jpg (143516 bytes) Rome 2001 Bocca Isabelle.jpg (146771 bytes) Rome 2001 No comment.jpg (32870 bytes) Rome 2001 St Pieters.jpg (104634 bytes)
Bocca della verità (mouth of the truth) If you don't tell the truth, the bocca will eat your hand!

No comment

Vatican St-Peter
Rome 2001 mummie.jpg (111868 bytes) Rome 2001 Anubis.jpg (105968 bytes) Rome 2001 7hills.jpg (162426 bytes)

Rome 2001 Back.jpg (136297 bytes)

A real mummy Anubis, god of the underworld The seven hills Back home