
London 2003

My sis and I almost arrested!

How I ended the war in Iraq

London 2003 Big Ben + houses of Parliament by night.jpg (31311 bytes)

Henry VIII and his ... wives

London by night
Nulmeridiaan.jpg (22642 bytes) London 2003 Big Ben2.jpg (73384 bytes)
Me and Lauren on the prime meridian The one and only Big Ben
London 2003 Brekkie.jpg (72320 bytes) London 2003 Look right.jpg (123612 bytes)
Brekkie Look right!
London 2003 Lauren Buffy.jpg (89488 bytes) London 2003 Spielberg.jpg (102557 bytes)
Lauren meets Buffy Spielberg meets Linda
London 2003 Alan.jpg (95022 bytes) London 2003 Linda Brad.jpg (83704 bytes)
Big help for my garden! Err ... not for my garden!
London 2003 Arnold.jpg (129614 bytes) London 2003 Bear.jpg (105809 bytes)
Arnie trying to win our votes He's mine!!!
London 2003 Tower.jpg (96852 bytes) London 2003 Beefeater.jpg (98191 bytes)
The Tower of London My favourite Beefeater
London 2003 Raven.jpg (190758 bytes) London 2003 St James.jpg (117312 bytes)
One of the famous ravens My special passport for the tube
London 2003 Piccadily.jpg (160908 bytes) London 2003 bellman.jpg (156185 bytes)
Piccadilly Circus The Bellman using a cellphone
London 2003 Sherlock.jpg (174954 bytes) London 2003 Sherlock 2.jpg (76856 bytes)
Sherlock Holmes Museum He even gave us his card!
London 2003 British Museum outside.jpg (184220 bytes) London 2003 British Museum inside.jpg (230292 bytes)
British Museum outside British Museum inside
London 2003 Phone home.jpg (220591 bytes) London 2003 park.jpg (290621 bytes)
Linda phone home!! Gorgeous park
London 2003 voeten Linda.jpg (132429 bytes) London 2003 voeten Marianne.jpg (144833 bytes)
I needed that! So did I!
London 2003 Baker street.jpg (93270 bytes) London 2003 Many moons ago.jpg (90397 bytes)
Baker Street Station Many moons ago
London 2003 Platform.jpg (266455 bytes) London 2003 Platform2.jpg (168246 bytes)
Aha! Platform 9/¾ Here it is!!!!
London 2003 Buckingham Palace.jpg (218748 bytes) London 2003 Cutty Sark.jpg (105292 bytes)

Buckingham Palace

Cutty Sark
London 2003 hide-and-seek.jpg (183799 bytes) London 2003 hide-and-seek2.jpg (204872 bytes)
Hide-and-seek There he is!
London 2003 Victoria.jpg (132221 bytes) London 2003 Tunnel.jpg (71868 bytes)
Can you find me??? Walking under the Thames
London 2003 Tower Bridge.jpg (72068 bytes) London 2003 Tower Bridge2.jpg (82105 bytes)
Tower Bridge On the bridge



Bye, London! We'll be back!