

Ikke.jpg (34035 bytes) Lorraine-Draco.jpg (50707 bytes) Beth.jpg (25861 bytes) HPIM0485 klein.jpg (17920 bytes)
Linda - Belgium Lorraine - Pennsylvania Beth - Florida Mike - Alaska
Bosnia-DG0013.jpg (49647 bytes) moi klein.jpg (19097 bytes) Judy.jpg (11337 bytes) Frank.jpg (32499 bytes)
Dexter - West-Virginia Myriam - Belgium Judy - Massachusetts Frank - Kentucky
Joan.jpg (10397 bytes) Kathie.jpg (23467 bytes) Maureen.jpg (17803 bytes) BB.jpg (24721 bytes)
Joan - Florida Kathie - New Jersey Maureen - Arizona

Judith - Texas. Judith left us on 7th September 08. We will never forget her!

Michele.jpg (9561 bytes) Pat.jpg (48552 bytes) Pam.jpg (13294 bytes) Wendy-and-Nick.jpg (17265 bytes)

Michele - Florida

Pat - Texas

Pam - Arkansas

Wendy and Nick Florida

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Becky - Texas

Louise (Georgia) with daughter  and granddaughters

Alan - England Gibbo-England
Sonata-2.jpg (38984 bytes) Laura.jpg (37960 bytes) Pam-(new-pic).jpg (43486 bytes) JB3.jpg (47048 bytes)
Sonata - Ohio. Sweet Maureen left us on 24th November 2012! Sleep tight, dear Sonata! Laura and Kurt California Pam B. - California Jen and Brian with Mason and Bo Texas
Patti,-Kenny-and-Brock.jpg (36363 bytes) Azuree.jpg (36818 bytes) Lynda-and-hubby.jpg (31582 bytes) Ethan.jpg (7302 bytes)
Kenny, Brock and Patti - Ohio Azuree - New York Lynda and hubby California Maureen's grandson Ethan


Keenah-4.jpg (44530 bytes) keenah3.jpg (48746 bytes) DENNIS02.jpg (32436 bytes) shar21.jpg (40637 bytes)
Phil's lovely Keenah Keenah and Phil Dennis - Texas


Boys.jpg (45183 bytes) Susan's-Pic.jpg (19769 bytes) Sue-and-Steve.jpg (37465 bytes) BJnew1.jpg (40314 bytes)
Mason and Bo, a day before Bo had to be put to sleep. We won't forget him! Susan - Maryland Susan and Steve Richards's BJ
Richard.jpg (47270 bytes) PhilKeenah3.jpg (47530 bytes) Draco-27-oct-2004.jpg (75624 bytes) liquer-king-21.jpg (67763 bytes)
Richard-Washington Keenah left us on 14th October 2004. She'll always have a place in our hearts! Lor and Draco 27th October 2004 Darren (Camlam) New Zealand ( at the back and 2nd from the left)
Beth-and-Mom-2-11-05.jpg (36625 bytes) Jools.jpg (18922 bytes) FBN.jpg (28178 bytes) Deb-solo1.jpg (27247 bytes)
Beth and her Mom 12th Dec 2004 : Joohlz Patti (FBN) Georgia Debbie (Taffy) Canada
Darryl.jpg (22721 bytes) Mary-&-Co.jpg (60947 bytes) me-and-family1.jpg (50193 bytes) alfie2.jpg (43624 bytes)
 Darryl - Washington Mary & Co - Oregon Alan and family Alfie
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George Bayer  Florida Katerina (George's daughter) Joan's daughter Brenna Warren and George Cook (Warren left us on 13th January'05)
Ann-and-granddaughters.jpg (26584 bytes) Jim-&-Linda---Phi-Sig.jpg (37207 bytes) drsheiban5qb.jpg (21530 bytes) Blake-01.jpg (17742 bytes)
Ann (Deskpro) and granddaughters North Carolina Jim and Linda Pennsylvania Sheiban - Canada Blake - Arizona Blake left us on 6th July 2007. He'll be in our hearts forever!
Lacy.jpg (36838 bytes) Donna-and-Duane.jpg (43525 bytes) Sparkle.jpg (38812 bytes) Juju-and-Ringo.jpg (43321 bytes)
Lacy Donna and Duane  Ohio 5th July'05 - Pam B's Sparkle Ringo and Juju
Forum-Friends-etc-0021.jpg (36957 bytes) Phil-and-Joohlz.jpg (52164 bytes) FF7.jpg (82922 bytes) DCP_08401.jpg (55563 bytes)
September 2005 Phil and Joohlz. Phil, our sweet Phil passed away on 15th December 2012! Sleep tight, dear friend! You will always be in our hearts! Blake's Collage Gonja and Olive Maggie's cats Colorado
Chrissy.jpg (36964 bytes) Barney-and-Chloe-9-05-006.jpg (35845 bytes) Tony.jpg (25475 bytes) rasta27xn.jpg (42453 bytes)
Pat's sweet Chrissy 8th Jan. 1984 -19th Sept. 2005 Beth's Barney and Chloe Tony (UK) Rasta
rastapic3ox.jpg (50685 bytes) photo_11.jpg (55671 bytes) Renee.jpg (49114 bytes) Brenna-and-car.jpg (49964 bytes)
Joohlz and Rasta Louise and family Renée (Pinky) Brenna in her new car!
Louise-1.jpg (53143 bytes) Louise-2.jpg (49008 bytes) Brogan.jpg (41203 bytes) Lor-and-her-Mom.jpg (55288 bytes)
Louise and... ...greatgrandson Jax! Leslie's (Chocho) grandson Brogan Lor and her Mom. Julia left us 19th Feb 2007
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Rasta ... enjoying the snow  

Julian (MZ) Germany


Darren trying out his webcam
Draco-14-04-04(2).jpg (43561 bytes) CANONLUCKY7-7-07.jpg (55239 bytes) Pam-B.jpg (115194 bytes) Shasha-2.jpg (50095 bytes)
Draco left us on 8th July '07. We will never forget him.


Lucky, new baby of Lor and George Pam and her babies Shasha
Chaos,-Shasha's-cat.jpg (30847 bytes) Steve.jpg (33500 bytes) Debbie-and-Taffy.jpg (65051 bytes) Lucky-1.jpg (81882 bytes)
Chaos, Shasha's cat Steve (Flugg) Debbie and Taffy Piccies
Lucky-2.jpg (72232 bytes) Lucky-3.jpg (56917 bytes) Sandra-Face-2.jpg (10151 bytes) Julie.jpg (16819 bytes)
of Lucky Sandy - Canada Julie(Blake's cousin) Arizona
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Julie's ... pets Prissy aka... Tuxcladcat
Cathy.jpg (37697 bytes) IMG04.JPG (34629 bytes) 2A43.jpg (20812 bytes) Moxie-084.jpg (56974 bytes)
Cathy (TCC)-Kentucky Our very own Richard New piccy of Dennis Donna's new puppy: Lucy
L-n-J-at-Houstons1.jpg (42178 bytes) Bleu-n-Lynda.jpg (35225 bytes) Maggie.jpg (14512 bytes) New-Year's-Day--2009.jpg (52473 bytes)
Lynda and Julie Bleu and Lynda Maggie-Colorado Azuree at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut New
Janice.jpg (50159 bytes) eboni-blu-3.jpg (75236 bytes) Bob&Mary.jpg (29494 bytes) Foggy.jpg (42140 bytes)
Janice - Florida Janice's Eboni Blu Mary2 and Bob Ohio Mary2's bird Foggy on her 19th BD
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Sweet Sophia